The major operations required for LIGO India has been broken down and been distributed among the three lead institutes IPR, IUCAA and RRCAT.
Lead Institutions
Institute of Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar
- Civil Infrastructure and Facilities
- Vacuum System & Mechanical Engineering
- Implementation CDS Systems
IPR has conceptualised the basic infrastructure design for LIGO-India laboratory. IPR has completed all the vacuum related drawings (Figure 2) along with their critical dimensional tolerances. The jigs and fixtures concept for BSC and HAM have also been completed. All the comments given by LIGO-US have been incorporated and final set of drawings have been communicated to the LIGO-US and also uploaded to LIGO-DCC website.
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune
- Site selection and survey
- Data analysis and Computing facility
- Science and Human Resource Development
Current IUCAA data centre: (oper. Jan 2013)
30Tf , 600 Tb [10Tf for GW]
GWDA centre: ~100Tf, 2400 cores (LSC Tier2
level): Hardware arrived, installation in progress
Future Tier-1 LIGO data centre post LIGO-India operations. All infrastructure for future expansion to ~500 Tf in place
Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore
- Detector Hardware Documentation & Pre-installation
- Optics & 3rd generation R&D
- Detector integration, installation and commissioning
In anticipation of the project approval RRCAT has initiated setting up of the requisite training infrastructure for the interferometer-detector installation and commissioning, programs towards development of ultra precise optics and ultra-stable laser systems and an off-site facility for staging and testing of the detector components being shared by the LIGO Labs.